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ECUST international students participate in the first "HUAXIA Cup" Chinese Speech Contest


In the morning of November 19, at the first " HUAXIA Cup" Chinese Speech Contest held at New York University in Shanghai, ECUST international student Ming Xu from Saudi Arabia won the fifth prize in the elementary-level group and was awarded with an honorary prize. The ECUST contestant, with his sufficient preparation,fluent expressionand originality, centered on the theme "tradition and modernity" judges won the unanimous praise from the judges.

The competition is widely participated in and supported by more than a dozen colleges and universities, such as East China Normal University, Shanghai New York University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University, Georgia University, New York University, East China University of Science and Technology, and participated by more than 120 foreign students from 18 countries. Competition was conducted in accordance with the primary group, the intermediate group and the senior group, after early fierce competition, 33 contestants ascended to the finals.

CIE continues to create a strong learning atmosphere by innovating activity forms. Through the organization of various Chinese competitions, we will not only stimulate international students to learn Chinese, improve their communicative capabilities in Chinese, but also provide a beneficial platform for students to get familiar with Chinese culture and strengthening communication between universities and colleges.


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