ECUST Holds the 2021 "Belt and Road" Petrochemical Industry Technician and Executive Development Program


    The 2021 "Belt and Road" Petrochemical Industry Technician and Executive Development Program was successfully held from September to November 2021. Thirty-two participants from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Yemen, Sri Lanka and other countries participated in the six-week online training. The training was the fourth session since 2017 and was funded by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.

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  • 恒行2娱乐专业提供:恒行2娱乐恒行2👫🏼、恒行2平台等服务,提供最新官网平台、地址、注册、登陆、登录、入口、全站、网站、网页、网址、娱乐、手机版、app、下载、欧洲杯、欧冠、nba、世界杯、英超等,界面美观优质完美,安全稳定,服务一流🙇,恒行2娱乐欢迎您。 恒行2娱乐官網xml地圖