CIE-ECUST Orientation Schedule for International Students (2018 Spring Semester)
日期 DATE |
時間TIME |
地點 VENUE |
備註 NOTE |
2018-3-4 (Sun.) |
在校留學生辦理報到註冊和學籍信息登記 Current international students make on-site and academic status registration |
8:30-11:00 13:30-16:00 |
招生辦公室 (晨園104室) Admissions Office , Room 104, Chenyuan Building |
帶護照和學生證 Bright passport and student ID |
2018-3-5 (Mon.) 2018-3-6 (Tue.) |
留學生新生辦理報到註冊手續 New international students make on-site registration |
8:30-11:00 13:30-16:00 |
招生辦公室 (晨園104室) Admissions Office , Room 104, Chenyuan Building |
帶護照和復印件、3張照片和學費、住宿費等Bring passport and copy, 3 pictures, tuition and fees, etc. |
2018-3-7 (Wed.) |
上海一日遊(濱江公園&東方明珠) Shanghai One-day Tour(Binjiang Park & Oriental Pearl Tower) |
9:00-17:00 |
晨園大廳集合 Assemble at the hall of Chenyuan Building |
請準時並帶車票🏃🏻➡️。Please be on time and bring ticket. |
2018-3-8 (Thur.) |
漢語生領取課程表和教材 Chinese language students collect class timetable and textbooks |
8:30-11:00 13:30-16:00
漢語教學辦公室 (晨園二樓) Chinese Language Teaching Office, 2nd floor of Chenyuan Building |
需先完成報到手續 Please finish registration in advance |
2018-3-9 (Fri.) |
新生開學典禮與校園參觀 New Students Opening Ceremony and Campus Tour |
9:00--11:30 |
9號教室, 晨園二樓👩🏼🎓, No.9 Classroom, 2nd floor, Chenyuan Building |
見學院微信公眾號通知 See detailed notice at CIE Wechat |
2018-3-12 (Mon.) |
漢語班開始上課 Class begins for Chinese language students |
8:30 |
漢語教室,晨園二樓 Classrooms, 2nd floor of Chenyuan Building |
詳見課程表 See class schedule |
新生體檢和體檢報告驗證(X1簽證) Physical examination and own report verification for X1 visa |
登錄醫院網站預約體檢 Please make medical appointment in advance at http://sithc.shciq.gov.cn/sithcen/ |
有問題請咨詢招生辦公室 (晨園104室) Any question please ask Admissions Office , Room 104, Chenyuan Building |
辦理居留許可簽證(X1簽證) Process Resident Permit visa for X1 visa |
8:30-11:00 13:30-16:00 |
招生辦公室,晨園104室 Admissions Office, Room 104, Chenyuan Building |
攜帶護照, 1張照片和住宿登記 Bring passport, 1 photo and temporary residence registration form |