報到日期 Registration Date👃🏻: 2018年9月7日 & 8日 Sept.7th & 8th, 8:30 — 11:00, 13:30 - 16:00
報到地點 Registration Venue: 國際教育學院招生辦公室 (徐匯區梅隴路130號, 晨園104室)Admission Office (Room 104, Chenyuan building, 130 Meilong Road, Xuhui district)
報到流程 Registration Procedures
1.核對信息 Confirm Information
2.住宿登記 Register for On-campus Accommodation
3.支付費用 Pay Tuition and Accommodation fees (現金或銀聯標誌卡;Cash or Card with Union Pay Logo)
4.購買保險 Pay insurance fee (400元/半年🪢,800元/年; 400RMB/half year, 800RMB/year)
5. 語言生漢語水平測試 Chinese Level Test for Language Students
6. 領取校園卡和歡迎禮包 Get Campus card and Welcome Package
報到材料 Registration Documents
1. 錄取通知書原件 Admission Notice
2. 護照原件和復印件 Original Passport and First Page Copy
3. 簽證頁復印件 Visa Page Copy
4. 兩張照片 2 photos
5. 境外人員臨時住宿單(校外住宿)Registration Form of Temporary Residence (Off-campus Accommodation)
6. 最高學歷證書和成績單核驗和復印件收取 Review of the Original Highest Degree Certificate and Transcripts and copy collecting.
學歷生註冊 Degree Students Academic Registration
Degree students must enroll at Academic Affairs Office of CIE after on-site registration(Room 105,Chenyuan building)
漢語生領取教材與課表 Chinese Language Students Collecting Textbooks and Class Timetable
請攜帶《漢語教材領用單》 Please take the Notice of Collecting Chinese Textbooks
2018年9月12日 & 13日 Sept.12th & 13th 8:30 — 11:00, 13:30 - 16:00 國際教育學院漢語教學辦公室 (晨園二樓)
Chinese Language Teaching Office, CIE (2nd Floor of Chenyuan building)
新生開學典禮與校園參觀 New Students Opening Ceremony and Campus Tour
2018年9月14日 Sept.14th, 9:00am
晨園大廳集合 Assemble at the hall of Chenyuan building
地點: 逸夫樓演講廳To Lecture Hall of Yifu Building
開始上課 Class Begins
1)漢語班開始上課Class begins for Chinese language students
2018年9月17日 Sept.17th 8:30漢語教室 (晨園二樓) Classrooms (2nd floor of Chenyuan Building)
2)研究生新生開始上課 Class begins for new graduate students
2018年9月17日 Sept.17th 8:00見課程表See schedule of different majors
3)本科新生開始上課 Class begins for new undergraduate students
2018年9月24日 Sept.24th 8:00見課程表See schedule of different majors
法律宣傳,簽證政策與安全講座 Introduction of Chinese Law, Visa Policies and Safety Lecture
2018年9月17日 Sept.17th, 12:30pm
晨園大廳集合 Assemble at the hall of Chenyuan
地點:逸夫樓演講廳To Lecture Hall of Yifu Building
新生體檢或體檢報告驗證 Physical Examination and Medical Report Verification for First Entry X1 visa holder for One-year Study or Above
2018年9月22日 Sept.22nd, 7:00am
Assemble at the lobby of Chenyuan building to the hospital by university bus
1. 護照原件🥏、護照首頁和簽證復印件
2. 中文錄取通知書原件與復印件
3. 3張照片(護照照片大小)
4. 體檢費👈🏻:人民幣500元
5. 在本國獲得的6個月內的體檢報告(如果有)
Necessary Documents and Fees:
1. Original Passport , Copy of Passport's first page and Visa page
2. Original and Copy of ECUST Admission letter in Chinese
3. 3 Passport-sized photos
4. Fees: 500RMB
5. Original Physical Examination Report issued within 6 months in own country (if available)
Please be ON TIME and DON’T take any food!
領取辦理簽證材料Visa Extension Documents Collecting
2018年9月28日 &29日 Sept.28th & 29th, 8:30 -11:00, 13:30 -16:00
國際教育學院招生辦公室 (徐匯區梅隴路130號*️⃣,晨園104室)
Admission Office, CIE (Room 104, Chenyuan building, 130 Meilong Road, Xuhui district)
攜帶護照, 中文錄取通知書原件🧑🏭,1張照片和住宿登記
Please bring passport, original admission letter in Chinese, 1 photo and temporary residence registration form.
聯系我們 Contact Us
恒行2娱乐 -【恒行2平台注册赢奖】每一次注册都能获得超值奖励!
中國上海市徐匯區梅隴路130號,郵編 200237
College of International Education
East China University of Science and Technology
130 Meilong Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China, 200237
電話Tel: 0086-21-64253277/64253279
傳真Fax: 0086-21-64252280
電子郵箱E-Mail: cie@ecust.edu.cn
版權所有 © 恒行2娱乐 College of Internation Education