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Classes & Teaching Objective


Elementary I

Master around 1250 words, be able to understand and also use simple Chinese phrases which will meet the basic needs for daily communication. Pass HSK level 1.

Elementary II

Master around 2750 words, have an excellent understanding of the basic Chinese and can communicate on simple and routine topics. Pass HSK level 2 or 1.

Intermediate I

Master around 3850 words, be able to communicate in Chinese on the daily, academic or professional topics at a modest level, can also manage most communication in Chinese for specific occasion. Pass HSK level 3 or 2.

Intermediate II

Master around 5000 words, be able to communicate and express your opinions in Chinese on a wide range of topics, and be able to communicate fluently with other Chinese speakers. Pass HSK level 4 or 3.

Advanced I


Master around 6500 words, be able to read Chinese newspapers and magazines; also, you can enjoy Chinese films and even give a speech in Chinese. Pass HSK level 5 or 4.

Advanced II


Master around 8000 words, be able to understand the information written or spoken in Chinese, can effectively express yourself in Chinese, both orally and on paper. Pass HSK level 6 or 5.

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